Thursday, July 1, 2010

This past week I have been scanning loose photos and slides into the server here at headquarters. After 1300 pictures, you could say I was all scanned out. But I found out that we have a lot of great shots of in-country projects and some of the slides even date back to the 70’s! It was fun to see the smiling faces of children and other beneficiaries of our work. However, it was also sobering to realize how many people are still living in unacceptable conditions.
So how do you move a mountain? One shovel at a time. Ascend is making a difference one project at a time. We are headed in the right direction and picking up pace as more people volunteer their time and donate their resources. The future is bright and the time is right to jump on the band wagon and get involved. So don’t just sit there, pick up a shovel and start moving those mountains with us!

Happy 4th of July weekend!

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